ReportPro User's Guide


The Print Setup dialog is available via the File, Setup, Printer menu option and allows the configuration of various printer related options such as printer name, page orientation and paper size.



Each of the options available in the Print Setup dialog and how they affect your report is discussed below.



The Printer Name list box allows you to select which printer you wish to send the report to.  The printers listed here are those that are installed on your computer.


A Properties button will be displayed if additional printer options are available.  This feature allows access to more advanced printer options.  If the Properties button is selected, an additional dialog will be displayed.  The options available in this dialog depend on which printer you are using.  Some common options include Print Quality, Color and Default Paper Source.



The Paper controls allow you to specify the paper size and source.  The sizes and sources available are printer dependent.



This option designates the page orientation.  Choose from Portrait (normal) and Landscape (sideways) page orientations.


As discussed earlier, sections that have Header and Footer bands support their own paper attributes.  This feature allows one section to print portrait while the next prints landscape.


When you modify the paper or orientation information in the Printer Setup dialog and you have multiple sections defined in your report, ReportPro will ask if you wish to apply these changes to all sections in the report.  If you wish the changes to apply only to the displayed section, select No.


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